Rotating a page
This program allows you to rotate scanned images. For example, a page may be misplaced on the scanner and therefore the scanned image is the wrong way up. You can use this function to correct the page orientation immediately without rescanning the document.
1. | Browse the images in the Main Display Area and select the desired image.
2. | Press the Rotate Clockwise or Rotate Counter-Clockwise button in the Image Adjustment Toolbar to turn the image by 90º in respective direction. Alternatively you can press the Rotate 180º button to turn the image by 180º.
3. | The applied changes will be shown in the Main Display Area immediately.
4. | Repeat Step 2 until you are satisfied with the image.
Cropping an image
This program allows you to crop scanned images. There may be occasions when you want to remove parts of an image like unwanted borders.
1. | Browse the images in the Main Display Area and select the desired image.
2. | Press the Crop button in the Image Adjustment Toolbar to enter the cropping mode. The selected image will now be surrounded by 8 squares.
3. | Press and drag any of the 8 squares to adjust the image's final visible area.
4. | Press the OK button on the Action Toolbar to confirm your changes or the Cancel button to discard all changes and return to the Main Display Area. Please note that any area outside the final rectangle will be discarded and that you will need to rescan the image if you wish to undo any changes.
5. | The applied changes will be shown in the Main Display Area immediately.
Adjusting the brightness
This program allows you to adjust the brightness of scanned images. You might want to make an image look lighter or darker. Raising the brightness increases the amount of white in an image, making it appear more washed out. Lowering the brightness may help you read light or faint text.
1. | Browse the images in the Main Display Area and select the desired image.
2. | Press the Increase Brightness or Decrease Brightness button on the Image Adjustment Toolbar to increase or decrease the selected image's brightness.
3. | The applied changes will be shown in the Main Display Area immediately.
4. | Repeat Step 2 until you are satisfied with the image.
Adjusting the contrast
This program allows you to adjust the contrast of scanned images. The higher the contrast, the sharper the image. The lower the contrast, the more blurry an image will be.
1. | Browse the images in the Main Display Area and select the desired image.
2. | Press the Increase Contrast or Decrease Contrast button on the Image Adjustment Toolbar to increase or decrease the selected image's contrast.
3. | The applied changes will be shown in the Main Display Area immediately.
4. | Repeat Step 2 until you are satisfied with the image