☰ Plustek eBookScan Help Guide
Available actions between scanning pages
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You have several options available while you are in the midst of a long scanning task. This section will focus on the five buttons found at the bottom-left of the main window.  
1.If you want to take a short break or need to leave the scanner temporarily to attend other things, you can press the Minimize 23_minimize button to hide the main program window so nothing is accidentally changed.  
2.If you need to leave for an extended period of time and do not want to leave the scanner or application running, you can press on the Exit 24_exit button. You will be prompted to save your current progress by the Save dialog at this point. Please note: if you press on the Cancel 27_cancel_alt button to terminate the program, your current progress will not be saved. Please proceed with caution. All your scanned images from when you terminated the program will be loaded for you and you can resume right where you left off.  
3.Press the Save 25_save button to make a temporary save of your scanned images or when you are finished scanning everything.  
4.The Scan 26_scan button is used to start or continue scanning. It shares its location with the OK 26_scan_alt button which will only be shown when you are in the cropping mode.  
5.If you want to remove an image for any reason you can do so by pressing on the Delete 27_cancel button. The currently selected image will then be removed. The Cancel button shares its location with the Cancel 27_cancel_alt button which will only be shown when you are in the cropping mode.  