Scanning (For eScan A350)

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Scanning (For eScan A350)

Scanning Documents- Tap on any of the job button on the main menu to start scanning. If the respective job button have any 'Selectable' scan settings selected, the relevant interface will display on the panel for user to modify or make adjustments. Tap on Scan > to continue to the next step.




During Preview and Edit interface

When preview is enabled, scanned image will be displayed on screen in thumbnails.



Rotate scan image by 90° to the right


Rotate scan image by 90° to the left


Click to continue scanning





Click on the thumbnail image to crop




When scanning in multiple PDFs or TIFF files, separating can be done manually. A small color bar will appear on the top of the scan, simply tap between the two images, to separate into a different file, for about a second, the color bar will change color, indicating separation is complete. To remove, simply tap the area again.


Manual Splitting Documents

Manual Remove Splitting

