Save to eMail

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Save to eMail

icon_1 Choose save to Mail(SMTP), icon_2 You need to set SMTP outgoing server first, icon_3 setup or default the receipents.  






Email Account  

Enter an email address.  



Enter your password.  


SMTP server  

After fill the account and password part, you can click email_search to auto filling the SMTP server. And it will also auto filling the security type.  



Enter the Port. Common SMTP ports are: port 25, 465, and 587.  


Security Type  

Select the security type: None, SSL/TLS or StartTLS.  

*If you don't know how to set the Outgoing Server, Authentication and Port, please contact your email provider.  


Tap uncheck or checked under 'Selectable' to enable/disable configuration prior to each scan task in operator's interface.  

Click on email_book to store and select from the list.  



