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Build Your Own Applications

eScan Network Scanner

Build your own eScan Network Scanner to fit your business needs

GET STARTED with integrating your applications with Plustek eScan network scanner. The easy-to-use and versatile scanning application to create a tailored document scanning solution for your specific needs.

get started to integrate your application easily

Customizable Application Interface

get started to integrate your application easily

Streamline Directly to DMS / ERP/ EHR

get started to integrate your application easily

Integrate through API or Intent options

With Plustek eScan network scanner API, the integration will let employees, customers, users to scan documents and streamline to your integrated business applications right on the device.

escan network scanner streamline to pharmacy, healthcare, document management system applications
escan network scanner api integration allows direct streamline to businesses applications

The Plustek eScan API and demo source codes give you the flexibility and ability to fully customize to your integration.

Plustek eScan team works along by your side

With over 30 years of experience in the field, leave the scanning process to us, while you can focus on what really matters.

Third-Party Successful Cases

For optimal scanning experience and seamless streamline workflow, request the API integration today, and experience the ease of use and above features.


plustek escan in accounting dms


plustek escan in tax services dms


plustek escan in clinic and hospital dms


plustek escan in lawyer and legal dms

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