


    지원 목록 & 다운로드


   회사  Plustek 소개

미래를 이끄는 힘

1986년에 설립된 Plustek Inc.,는 문서 스캐너 및 지능형 프로세스 자동화 기술의 포괄적인 범위를 설계, 제조 및 마케팅하여 기업의 비즈니스가 성장하도록 지원하는 세계적인 이미징 솔루션 제공업체로 거듭났습니다.

미래를 이끄는 힘

주요 직무

Plustek은 디지털 변환을 촉구하기 위해 성능을 극대화할 수 있고, 집에 있든 사무실에 있든 이동 중이든 관계없이 사용자에게 데이터 인사이트를 제공하는 데이터 추출 기술을 통해 사용자 경험을 재정의합니다. 실시간으로 솔루션 및 서비스에 액세스할 수 있는 디지털 플랫폼을 활용한 자체적인 설계 및 관리를 통해 모든 업계 및 조직이 비즈니스 수명 주기 전반에서 민첩성과 효율성을 높일 수 있게 지원합니다.

글로벌 이미징 솔루션 제공업체

Plustek는 당사 중개업체 및 최종 클라이언트가 가장 효과적인 서비스를 제공하도록 하기 위해 긴밀한 전문 글로벌 세일즈, 마케팅, 지원 팀을 마련했습니다.

신뢰할 수 있고 효과적인 서비스

성장 방식

당사는 비즈니스에 확장성을 보장하고 원활하게 통합 배포를 간소화하기 위해 끊임없이 경계를 넓히고 장벽을 허물고 있습니다.

Plustek의 서비스 Plustek의 서비스

성장 동인

Plustek는 더 나은 사회가 되는 데 기여하는 탁월한 솔루션 및 서비스를 통해 고객 가치 창출에 노력을 쏟고 있습니다. 가치를 제공하기 위해 경청하고, 이해한 후 행동합니다. Plustek은 끊임없이 기존 방식에 도전하여 성장하고 혁신을 이루고 계속해서 고객으로부터 영감을 받습니다.

Plustek 성장 동인


  • 2025

    AutoFill ID Wizard를 출시하여 실시간 ID 데이터 추출 솔루션을 통해 정보를 양식 및 시스템에 직접 분석하여 산업 전반의 효율적인 운영을 가능하게 했습니다.

  • 2024

    혁신적인 Demat’Box 스캐너를 선보여 원활한 문서 관리 및 자동화를 통해 회계 및 금융 서비스의 효율성을 높였습니다.

  • 2023

    100매 피더와 내장 OCR 기능을 갖춘 차세대 독립형 네트워크 스캐너를 도입하여 문서 처리의 새로운 기준을 세웠습니다.

  • 2022

    고급 데이터 추출 기술을 갖춘 매우 지능적인 문서 처리 플랫폼을 도입하여 정확하고 효율적인 데이터 캡처와 최적화된 워크플로우를 구현했습니다.

  • 2021

    특허받은 용지 트레이를 갖춘 혁신적인 A3 컬러 스캐너를 도입하여 다양한 미디어 처리 유연성과 생산성을 향상시켰습니다.

  • 2020

    COVID-19 팬데믹 동안 세계 정상급 기업 및 정부의 신뢰를 받은 ID 솔루션

  • 2017

    AI 기술이 탐재된 데이터 캡처가 Plustek 솔루션의 핵심으로 자리잡음

  • 2015

    아시아 최초로 듀플렉스 스캔 모듈 및 제어 시스템을 개발해 셀프 서비스 시장에 진출

  • 2014

    세계 최고의 독립 실행형 네트워크 스캐너 출시하여 시장을 개척하고 의료 센터에서 널리 사용됨

  • 2013

    2050을 위한 중장기 기업 비전인 "Plustek 서비스 및 솔루션 비전" 구축

  • 2012


  • 2010

    최초로 모션 감지가 탑재된 가장 얇은 네트워크 비디오 레코더 출시

  • 2010

    2개의 USB포트가 탑재된 세계 최초 작업 그룹 스캐너

  • 2009

    미래 네트워크 시대를 위한 전문 네트워크 개발 센터 설립

  • 2008

    세계 최고속 A3 하이엔드 스캐너

  • 2007

    SEE 기술 개발로 책 가장자리 디자인 최적화

  • 2006

    세계 최초의 컴팩트한 듀플렉스 스캐너

  • 2004

    세계 최초 7200dpi 고해상도 필름 스캐너, 필름 시장에서 기술이 다방면으로 활용됨

  • 1999

    다기능 주변장치(대만 최초, 세계에서 두 번째).

275 건의 지역 세일즈 서비스
4 개의 글로벌 배포 센터

Plustek 미국 사무소에 문의


10395 Slusher Drive, Unit 1
Santa Fe Springs CA 90670, USA
Tel:+1 714-670-7713
Fax:+1 714-670-7756

Plustek 아시아 태평양 지역 사무소에 문의

아시아 태평양 지역

802, 8th Floor, No. 34 Haidian Street
Haidian District, Beijing
Tel: +86 10-82057665

Plustek 유럽 사무소에 문의


Ewige Weide 13
22926 Ahrensburg, Germany
Tel: +49 4102 891330
Fax: +49 4102 8913500

Plustek 대만 사무소에 문의


13F-1, No. 3, Yuan Qu Street (Building F)
Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 2 2655 7866
Fax: +886 2 2655 7833

수상 및 표창 이력

  • ・eScan GlobalSearch receives honors in "Outstanding Achievement in Innovation" from Buyers Lab.
  • ・Plustek's eScan A350 won German Design Award 2020 from Germany Design Concil
  • ・ePhoto Z300 has awarded with "German Design Award" for year 2018 from Germany Design Concil
  • ・eScan A250 has received the Outstanding SOHO Scanner award from Buyers lab.
  • ・eScan SharePoint has received the award of Outstanding Achievement in Innovation from Buyers lab.
  • ・Plustek's eScan A350/SharePoint won Taiwan Excellence award from Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs for great standalone network scanning ability and the potential of office document solution.
  • ・ePhoto Z300 receives honors in Taiwan Excellence award from Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  • ・Plustek's NVR Slim Series (240 Pro/388 Pro/ 640P/ td811/ vs580) honored for innovation at the 2017 Taiwan Excellence award
  • ・eScan A250 won "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・eDoc N600 received honors in Taiwan Excellence award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・eDoc N600 received a Best Choice Award from Taiwan External Trade Development Council for its oustanding security sharing concept
  • ・SmartOffice PS3060U won " Outstanding A4 Mid-Size Workgroup Scanner" from BLI(Buyers Lab).
  • ・ePhoto Z300 receives "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticBook A300 was named as "The 10 Best Scanners of 2015" by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticFilm 8200 Ai was named as "The Best Photo Scanners of 2015" by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticFilm 120 won "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・SmartOffice SN8016U has awarded with "Outstanding Achievement award " from BLI (Buyers Lab),
  • ・Plustek received "Trusted Brand" award from Vietnam Enterprise/ Global GTA/ InterConformity Vietnam.
  • ・Buyers Lab (BLI) announced DocAction the winner of its Outstanding Achievement in Scan Profile Utility Design Award for 2013.
  • ・SmartOffice PS456U won "Outstanding Achievement" award from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・SmartOffice SN8016U received "Highly Recommended" rating from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・MobileOffce S410 won "Gold Award" from Inside Hardware Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 120 won "2013 Summer" award from Digital Camera Grand Prix Japan.
  • ・OpticFilm 120 received "Highly Recommended" rating from ePhotoZine UK.
  • ・OpticFilm 8100 won "Best Buy" award from Inside Hardware Italy.
  • ・Plustek's OpticFilm 8100 recognized with a Gold Award by Inside Hardware Italy for it's high scanning quality and extrodinary customer experience.
  • ・nDVR 580 won "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・EasyScan 400 has been named the winner of Computex Design & Innovation award, earning the industry’s highest honors for its technology.
  • ・Plustek, Inc. has been recognized as the most desired supplier and awarded which vote by Computex.biz buyers. Recognition is reserved for a small number of companies that demonstrate integrity, and a positive influences of product to business.
  • ・Plustek received "Top 30 Suppliers on Computex.biz" award from Taipei Computer Association.Taiwan.
  • ・MobileOffice D412 received "Gold Award" by Xtremehardware.com Italy.
  • ・SmartOffice PS286 Plus received "Excellent" rating by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticBook 4800 won "Best Product of 2011" award from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・OptiCard 820 won "Gold Award" from PC Praxis Germany.
  • ・OpticFilm 8200i Ai received "Sehr Gut (Very Good)" rating from PC Go.
  • ・MobileOffice S420 received "Gold Award" from Xtremehardware Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 8100 recognized with "Silver Award" from Xtremehardware Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 8100 receives honors in"Recommend" award from ePHOTOzine
  • ・OpticBook 3800 has been recognized as the 5 star & Greentech Product and awarded from PC Magazine Germany.
  • ・OpticBook 3800 has been recognized as the Greentech Product and awarded from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・SmartOffice PL1530 won the "Outstanding Achievement in Innovation" award from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・SmartOffice PS406U received "VIP Gold Score 8.5" from PC Professionale Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i Ai received "Kauftipp (Buy Recommendation)" rating from FotoDigital Magazin Germany.
  • ・OpticBook 4800 won "Best Product of 2011" from PC Magazine Russia
  • ・OpticFilm 7600i Ai received "Very Good" award from PC magazine Germany for its film digitization and restore technology
  • ・SmartOffice PS282 has named "BERTL's BEST (Best Value for Price Compact Scanner)" and awarded from BERTL USA.
  • ・MobileOffice AD450 won "Highly Recommended" award from Buyers Lab.
  • ・MobileOffice AD450 received Six Out Of Six Stars from Office Magazine in Italy, with it's compact design and versatile scanning capability.
  • ・MobileOffice AD450 is awarded as "Best of the month (Jan-Feb) 2010" from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・MobileOffice S420 won "Editor's Choice" award from Computer Times USA.
  • ・MobileOffice S400 won "Ganador Precio Calidad (Best quality price)" award from Computer Hoy Spain.
  • ・MobileOffice S400 received "Consigliato (Recommended)" rating from Quale Computer.
  • ・OpticFilm 7400 and OpticFilm 7600i Ai honors with "Cote d'amour 5 stars" award from Chasseur Images s'engage France.
  • ・OpticFilm 7600i Ai received "Buy It - 5 Star" award from Computer Active UK.
  • ・SmartPhoto P60 awarded for Best of the Year 2009 from Russia PC Magazine for its oustanding photo digitize ability.
  • ・OpticBook A300 / MobileOffice D428 received "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・SmartOffice PL7000 / PL7500 won "Green IT Produkt der Woche" award from Channel Partner Germany.
  • ・MobileOffice D28 received "5 Stars" rating from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・MobileOffice D28 Corporate won "2009 Scanner Awards (Good Value)" from What to Buy for Business Magazine UK.
  • ・BookReader V100 has recognized "BERTL's BEST (Most Innovative Book Scanner)" and awarded from BERTL USA.
  • ・BookReader V100 was named as "The 12 Must-have Products" by Popular Science USA.
  • ・MobileOffice M12 received "Gut" award from PC Direct
  • ・SmartOffice PS286 won " Gut" award from Computer Tip Germany
  • ・SmartOffice PS282 won Editor's Choice award in 2008 Scan to File Guide from Better Buy for Business USA.
  • ・ SmartOffice PS282 won Editor's Choice award from PC News Weekly USA.
  • ・ SmartOffice PS281 received "Recommended" rating from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・ MobileOffice D600 won "Best News of the Month" award from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・ OpticSlim 550 recognized with a "Silver award" from Hardware Magazine Singapore.
  • ・ OpticFilm 7300 won " Top Ten Picks for 2008" award from Into Tomorrow
  • ・ OpticBook 4600 won "GUT" award from Computer Tip Germany
  • ・ OpticPro A360 won "Innovation" award from Initiative Mittelstand Germany
  • ・ OpticBook 4600 is awarded with "Silver" from Hardware Hell
  • ・ OpticFilm 7500i Ai won "Editor's Choice" award from Computer Times
  • ・ OpticPro A320 honored with " Best News of the month" from PC Magazine Russia
  • ・ OpticFilm 7500i Ai won " GODT KOB" award from DigitalFoto Denmark
  • ・ OpticPro ST64+ won "Next Magazine Choice" award from Magazyn Komputerowy Polland
  • ・ Plustek's OpticFilm 7500i recognized with a Silver Award in the Photography Category from Photography Monthly UK
  • ・ OpticFilm 7300 won "GODT KOB" award from DigitalFoto Denmark
  • ・ OpticBook 3600 won "Editor's choice" award from DingBat Magazine
  • ・SmartOffice PS252 won "Very Good Rating" from PC World USA.
  • ・OpticBook 3600 won "Editor's Choice" award from DingBat Magazine USA.
  • ・OpticSlim M12 Corporate won " Editor's Choice" award from PC News Weekly USA.
  • ・SmartOffice PS286 won "Innovation" award from Initiative Mittelstand Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200 won "GODT KOB" award from DigitalFoto Denmark
  • ・OpticSlim M12 Corporate won "Editor's Choice" award from PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticSilm M12 Plus received "Sehr Gut (Very Good" rating from Notebook Organizer & Handy Germany.
  • ・P1000 received the award of "price-performance-winner" from Computer Bild Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won "Gut" award from Computer Foto Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i SE won " Kauftipp" award from ColorFoto Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won " Sehr Gut" award from PC Go Germany
  • ・OpticBook 3600 won Editor's Choice award from PC News Weekly USA.
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won " GUT" award from FotoMagazin Germany
  • ・OpticBook 3600 won " Sehr Gut" award from PC Go Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200 won "Best Buy" award from Practical photography UK
  • ・OpticPro UT24 has received the medal of Platynowy from PC Format Czech.
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won "Best Buy" award from ZOOM digital photography magazine Poland
  • ・OpticFilm won "Kaiftipp" award from ColorFoto Germany
  • ・OpticSilm 2420 has received the award of "GUT" from Stiftung Warentest Germany
  • ・OpticSilm 7200 won "GUT" award from FotoMagazine Germany
  • ・OpticSilm 7200 won "Kaut Tipp-Budget" award from PC Diretk Germany
  • ・OpticSlim M12 has received Good Design Award.
  • ・OpticSlim M12 won "Sehr Gut (Very Good" rating from Notebook Organizer & Handy Germany.
  • ・ST12 is awarded with "Preis-Tipp" from Com!Online Germany
  • ・OpticSlim 1200 was named as "Best & Best Value" and awarded from Chip Magazine Polland
  • ・OpticPro 1248U and U24 won Zwyciezca Jakosc (Champion) from Komputer SWIAT Czech.
  • ・OpticWorks 2000 received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 12000T received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro A3I / A3II / A3III / 3AS Series received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・FBIII / FBIV received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 4830P received "Kaufempfehling (Recommendation to Buy)" rating from PC Direkt Germany.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P received "Silver National Award of Excellence" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 9630P won "Editor's Choice" award by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticPro 4830P and OpticPro 9630P received "Good Product" awards from Stifung Warentest (Consumer Foundation) Germany.
  • ・OpticPro A3I series won "Best-in-class Products" award from Comdex Asia.
  • ・President of Plustek received "Taiwan Enterpreneurs" award from Youth Career Development Association Headquarters, Taiwan.
  • ・PageReader 800/800P received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・PageReader 800/800P received "Gold National Award of Excellence" from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P won Editor's Choice - Byte, Best of Computex Taipei" award.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P won "Best Buy" award from PC Shopping Germany.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won "The Best of Everything" award from Computer Life USA.
  • ・Plustek received "Excellent Honor Award" from Taiwan Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers Association.
  • ・Plustek was named as "Asia's 6 Cool Companies" by Fortune.
  • ・ScanFx received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanFx receives "Silver National Award of Excellence" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won Editor's Choice award from PC Go! Germany.
  • ・PageReader 800 / 800P won Editor's Choice award from PC Shopping Germany.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanFx won "Medium And Small Business Innovation Research Award" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanFx won "Editor's Choice - Byte, Best of Computex Taipei 1994" award.
  • ・ScanFx won "Best of Comdex Spring 1994" award.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won Editor's Choice award from l'ordinateur Individual France.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won Empfehlung der Redaktion (Editor's Choice) from DOS Magazine Germany.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 received "Taiwan SMEs Innovation Award" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.