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Compact. Easy-to-use. Professional Card Scanner.

The Plustek SecureScan X-Cube is an easy and fast solution to scan ID cards. It quickly scans ID cards and speeds up your check-in procedure. Utilize ultraviolet light for hidden watermark image capture.The users identify the authenticity of document.

The Plustek SecureScan X-Cube is an easy and fast solution to scan ID cards. It quickly scans ID cards and speeds up your check-in procedure. Utilize ultraviolet light for hidden watermark image capture.The users identify the authenticity of document.

ID cards reader scanning solutionF

*applicable fees may apply (e.g. ID cards, driver's license, and other forms of identifications)

SecureScan X-Cube Simplifies MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) Data Extraction Simplifies ID Card Scanning and Data Extraction

Also captures images of any ID Card including health insurance cards, club membership cards,and any standard sized ID card.

Data is captured by X-Cube and stored into system

Easy to Integrate Identity Management Systems

Easy to intergrate management systems
USB powered and 2 secs scanning

Fast and Easy

Place the driver’s license on the scanner and in less than two seconds per side, it is scanned and data is extracted automatically.There is no need to push any buttons or click any screens.

Different light sources images


SecureScan X-Cube will capture IR and UV images in addition to visible light images. The IR and UV images are used to view ID security features and assist in authenticity determination.


Compliant with ICAO Doc 9303 TD1 sized for machine readable travel documents and support A8 sized ID document scanning. The X-Cube is a precious aid to encoding and verifying the identification documents.

Passport cards and driver licenses

Kiosk Integration

The compact size of X-Cube and availability of SDKs,enables easy integration into almost any kiosk architecture.

Easily embed X-Cube into kisok architecture

Easily Retrieve & Search Data

*applicable fees may apply (e.g. ID cards, driver's license, and other forms of identifications)

iKnow-Smart multi-recognition platform

SDKs Available

The following SDKs are available to integrate the SecureScan X Series into your application



driver licenses and ID cards

Driver's License &
State issued ID card


OCR Library

scanning and image enhancement

Scanning & Image Enhancement

Customized SDK licensing terms are determined by the region and may involve relevant charges tailored to the particular recognition reading needs.

Typical Applications

Border Control
& Immigration

Border control and immigration solution

Scan and verify passports at border crossings and immigration offices

& Access Control

Visitor and access control solution

Capture IDs, membership cards, drivers’ licenses at building entry points

& Hospitality

Hotel check-in solutions

Quickly capture guest ID cards or passports at registration

& Financial Institutions

Bank and financial solutions

Capture driver’s licenses and other legal Identification Cards for proof of identification

& Telecom

Automotive and telecom solutions

Quick and accurate automated ID data capture & authentication means convenience for clients and better security for the business

Still Have Questions?

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please leave us a message below. One of our sales representatives will be happy to assist you shortly!

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