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Plustek eScan GlobalSearch

Scan Documents Directly to Square 9 GlobalSearch® without a PC.

Plustek eScan GlobalSearch- network scanner, kiosk scanner and document scanner Plustek eScan GlobalSearch- network scanner, kiosk scanner and document scanner

Streamline your workflow with GlobalSearch®

Scan and indexing documents in one simple process

The Plustek eScan optimizes your GlobalSearch® document management by letting you add your metadata directly to the scanned document before saving it into the database. Individual logins with custom presets make for a highly secure and efficient scan process.

Streamline your workflow with GlobalSearch

The eScan offers a full-color, intuitive interface that makes Square 9 GlobalSeach® accessible to everyone without extensive training. No matter what industry you work in, the eScan document-scanning kiosk can easily fit into your document capture workflow.

The Plustek eScan optimizes your GlobalSearch document management by letting you add your metadata directly to the scanned document,Scan, Check-in, Index documents in one simple process The Plustek eScan optimizes your GlobalSearch document management by letting you add your metadata directly to the scanned document,Scan, Check-in, Index documents in one simple process

Scan documents directly to GlobalSearch archives and apply metadata from the touchscreen

Scan documents directly to GlobalSearch

Customized individual account settings for required or repeated tasks

customized individual account settings for required or repeared tasks

Scan documents directly to GlobalSearch archives and apply metadata from the touchscreen

Barcode recognition automatically separates documents

Available for scanning to network shared folders and USB drive

Availible for scanning to network shared folder and USB drive

Customizable Scan Jobs for Repeated Use

Group setting for multiple departments, document types, saving destinations and users.

group setting for multiple departments, document types, saving destinations and users group setting for multiple departments, document types, saving destinations and users

Real-time look up the available archive and libraries

real-time look up the availible archive and libraries real-time look up the availible archive and libraries

Index Scanned Document with Metadata

Document check-in with metadata for index

Case Study:
Success Stories with Plustek eScan

Discover the benefits of Plustek eScan through real-world examples

Explore how Plustek eScan has enhanced efficiency with our client
Money Services Business Uses Plustek eScan and Evernote for Digital Transformation

Plustek eScan improves Plustek's paper workflow and enables employees to Work From Home

Learn how Plustek (yes, we use our own products for daily operation!) uses eScan to eliminate errors, improve efficiencies in our warehouse

Read the case study