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   Société  À propos de Plustek

Pour un Meilleur Avenir

Plustek Inc., créé en 1986, est devenu le fournisseur mondial de solutions d'imagerie qui conçoit, fabrique et commercialise une gamme complète de scanners de documents et de technologies d'automatisation des processus intelligents pour aider les entreprises à développer leurs activités.

Pour un Meilleur Avenir

Ce Que Nous Faisons

Plustek redéfinit l'expérience des utilisateurs avec des technologies d'extraction de données permettant des performances maximisées pour favoriser la transformation numérique, en libérant les connaissances sur les données pour les personnes, qu'elles soient à la maison, au bureau ou en déplacement. Concevoir et gérer de manière autonome avec des plateformes numériques permettant aux solutions et aux services d'être accessibles en temps réel pour aider toutes les industries et les organisations à travers leurs cycles de vie d'affaires à devenir plus agiles et efficaces.

fournisseur mondial de solutions de traitement d'images

Plustek a mis en place des équipes de vente, de marketing et d'assistance mondiales dédiées et soudées pour nos clients intermédiaires et finaux afin de fournir les services les plus efficaces.

Fiable & Performant

Notre Croissance

Nous repoussons constamment les limites et faisons tomber les barrières pour garantir aux entreprises leur évolutivité et simplifier le déploiement de leurs solutions d'intégration de manière transparente.

ce que fait Plustek ce que fait Plustek

Ce Qui Nous Fait Progresser

Plustek se consacre à générer de la valeur pour ses clients grâce à des solutions et des services de qualité supérieure qui contribuent à une société meilleure. Pour générer de la valeur, nous écoutons, comprenons et agissons. Nous défions constamment les conventions pour grandir, innover et rester inspirés par nos clients.

Ce qui fait progresser Plustek

Étapes Importantes

  • 2025

    Lancement d'AutoFill ID Wizard, une solution automatisée d'extraction de données d'identification en temps réel qui analyse les informations directement dans les formulaires et les systèmes, ouvrant la voie à des opérations rationalisées dans tous les secteurs.

  • 2024

    Présentation du scanner révolutionnaire Demat'Box, un outil avancé qui améliore l'efficacité des services comptables et financiers grâce à une gestion et une automatisation transparentes des documents.

  • 2023

    Introduction du scanner réseau autonome de nouvelle génération doté d'un chargeur de 100 pages et de capacités OCR intégrées, établissant une nouvelle norme pour le traitement des documents.

  • 2022

    Introduction d'une plate-forme de traitement de documents hautement intelligente avec des technologies d'extraction de données avancées, permettant une capture de données précise et efficace et des flux de travail rationalisés.

  • 2021

    Introduction d'un scanner couleur A3 innovant avec un bac à papier breveté, conçu pour une grande flexibilité de traitement des supports et une productivité accrue.

  • 2020

    Des solutions d'identification plébiscitées par les plus grandes entreprises et gouvernements du monde lors de la pandémie de COVID-19

  • 2017

    Les captures de données équipées de la technologie IA sont en train de devenir les yeux de Plustek solution

  • 2015

    Entrée sur le marché du libre-service en développant le premier module de numérisation recto-verso et le premier système de contrôle en Asie

  • 2014

    Lancement du 1er scanner réseau autonome au monde, pionnier sur le marché, largement utilisé dans les centres médicaux

  • 2013

    Mise en place de la "Vision des Services et des Solutions Plustek", une vision d'entreprise à moyen et long terme pour 2050

  • 2012

    Innovation dans le système de classement intelligent, et la combinaison de la gestion, de la saisie et de la reconnaissance des documents

  • 2010

    Lancement du premier enregistreur vidéo en réseau le plus mince du marché, avec détection de mouvement intégrée

  • 2010

    Premier scanner de groupe de travail au monde avec 2 ports USB

  • 2009

    Création d'un centre de développement de réseau, dédié à l'ère future du réseau

  • 2008

    Scanner haut de gamme de format A3 le plus rapide du monde

  • 2007

    Mise au point de la technologie SEE et conception optimisée pour la reliure des livres

  • 2006

    1er scanner recto-verso compact au monde

  • 2004

    1er scanner de film haute résolution de 7200 dpi au monde, bénéficiant pleinement de la technologie utilisée sur le marché du film

  • 1999

    Périphérique multifonction (1er à Taïwan, 2e mondial)

275 centres de ventes/service de proximité
4 centres de distribution mondiaux

Contacter le bureau Plustek USA


10395 Slusher Drive, Unit 1
Santa Fe Springs CA 90670, USA
Tel:+1 714-670-7713
Fax:+1 714-670-7756

Contacter le bureau Plustek Asie-Pacifique


802, 8th Floor, No. 34 Haidian Street
Haidian District, Beijing
Tel: +86 10-82057665

Contacter le bureau Plustek de l'UE


Ewige Weide 13
22926 Ahrensburg, Germany
Tel: +49 4102 891330
Fax: +49 4102 8913500

Contacter Plustek Taïwan


13F-1, No. 3, Yuan Qu Street (Building F)
Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 2 2655 7866
Fax: +886 2 2655 7833

Récompenses & Reconnaissances

  • ・eScan GlobalSearch receives honors in "Outstanding Achievement in Innovation" from Buyers Lab.
  • ・Plustek's eScan A350 won German Design Award 2020 from Germany Design Concil
  • ・ePhoto Z300 has awarded with "German Design Award" for year 2018 from Germany Design Concil
  • ・eScan A250 has received the Outstanding SOHO Scanner award from Buyers lab.
  • ・eScan SharePoint has received the award of Outstanding Achievement in Innovation from Buyers lab.
  • ・Plustek's eScan A350/SharePoint won Taiwan Excellence award from Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs for great standalone network scanning ability and the potential of office document solution.
  • ・ePhoto Z300 receives honors in Taiwan Excellence award from Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  • ・Plustek's NVR Slim Series (240 Pro/388 Pro/ 640P/ td811/ vs580) honored for innovation at the 2017 Taiwan Excellence award
  • ・eScan A250 won "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・eDoc N600 received honors in Taiwan Excellence award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・eDoc N600 received a Best Choice Award from Taiwan External Trade Development Council for its oustanding security sharing concept
  • ・SmartOffice PS3060U won " Outstanding A4 Mid-Size Workgroup Scanner" from BLI(Buyers Lab).
  • ・ePhoto Z300 receives "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticBook A300 was named as "The 10 Best Scanners of 2015" by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticFilm 8200 Ai was named as "The Best Photo Scanners of 2015" by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticFilm 120 won "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・SmartOffice SN8016U has awarded with "Outstanding Achievement award " from BLI (Buyers Lab),
  • ・Plustek received "Trusted Brand" award from Vietnam Enterprise/ Global GTA/ InterConformity Vietnam.
  • ・Buyers Lab (BLI) announced DocAction the winner of its Outstanding Achievement in Scan Profile Utility Design Award for 2013.
  • ・SmartOffice PS456U won "Outstanding Achievement" award from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・SmartOffice SN8016U received "Highly Recommended" rating from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・MobileOffce S410 won "Gold Award" from Inside Hardware Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 120 won "2013 Summer" award from Digital Camera Grand Prix Japan.
  • ・OpticFilm 120 received "Highly Recommended" rating from ePhotoZine UK.
  • ・OpticFilm 8100 won "Best Buy" award from Inside Hardware Italy.
  • ・Plustek's OpticFilm 8100 recognized with a Gold Award by Inside Hardware Italy for it's high scanning quality and extrodinary customer experience.
  • ・nDVR 580 won "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・EasyScan 400 has been named the winner of Computex Design & Innovation award, earning the industry’s highest honors for its technology.
  • ・Plustek, Inc. has been recognized as the most desired supplier and awarded which vote by buyers. Recognition is reserved for a small number of companies that demonstrate integrity, and a positive influences of product to business.
  • ・Plustek received "Top 30 Suppliers on" award from Taipei Computer Association.Taiwan.
  • ・MobileOffice D412 received "Gold Award" by Italy.
  • ・SmartOffice PS286 Plus received "Excellent" rating by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticBook 4800 won "Best Product of 2011" award from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・OptiCard 820 won "Gold Award" from PC Praxis Germany.
  • ・OpticFilm 8200i Ai received "Sehr Gut (Very Good)" rating from PC Go.
  • ・MobileOffice S420 received "Gold Award" from Xtremehardware Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 8100 recognized with "Silver Award" from Xtremehardware Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 8100 receives honors in"Recommend" award from ePHOTOzine
  • ・OpticBook 3800 has been recognized as the 5 star & Greentech Product and awarded from PC Magazine Germany.
  • ・OpticBook 3800 has been recognized as the Greentech Product and awarded from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・SmartOffice PL1530 won the "Outstanding Achievement in Innovation" award from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・SmartOffice PS406U received "VIP Gold Score 8.5" from PC Professionale Italy.
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i Ai received "Kauftipp (Buy Recommendation)" rating from FotoDigital Magazin Germany.
  • ・OpticBook 4800 won "Best Product of 2011" from PC Magazine Russia
  • ・OpticFilm 7600i Ai received "Very Good" award from PC magazine Germany for its film digitization and restore technology
  • ・SmartOffice PS282 has named "BERTL's BEST (Best Value for Price Compact Scanner)" and awarded from BERTL USA.
  • ・MobileOffice AD450 won "Highly Recommended" award from Buyers Lab.
  • ・MobileOffice AD450 received Six Out Of Six Stars from Office Magazine in Italy, with it's compact design and versatile scanning capability.
  • ・MobileOffice AD450 is awarded as "Best of the month (Jan-Feb) 2010" from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・MobileOffice S420 won "Editor's Choice" award from Computer Times USA.
  • ・MobileOffice S400 won "Ganador Precio Calidad (Best quality price)" award from Computer Hoy Spain.
  • ・MobileOffice S400 received "Consigliato (Recommended)" rating from Quale Computer.
  • ・OpticFilm 7400 and OpticFilm 7600i Ai honors with "Cote d'amour 5 stars" award from Chasseur Images s'engage France.
  • ・OpticFilm 7600i Ai received "Buy It - 5 Star" award from Computer Active UK.
  • ・SmartPhoto P60 awarded for Best of the Year 2009 from Russia PC Magazine for its oustanding photo digitize ability.
  • ・OpticBook A300 / MobileOffice D428 received "Taiwan Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・SmartOffice PL7000 / PL7500 won "Green IT Produkt der Woche" award from Channel Partner Germany.
  • ・MobileOffice D28 received "5 Stars" rating from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・MobileOffice D28 Corporate won "2009 Scanner Awards (Good Value)" from What to Buy for Business Magazine UK.
  • ・BookReader V100 has recognized "BERTL's BEST (Most Innovative Book Scanner)" and awarded from BERTL USA.
  • ・BookReader V100 was named as "The 12 Must-have Products" by Popular Science USA.
  • ・MobileOffice M12 received "Gut" award from PC Direct
  • ・SmartOffice PS286 won " Gut" award from Computer Tip Germany
  • ・SmartOffice PS282 won Editor's Choice award in 2008 Scan to File Guide from Better Buy for Business USA.
  • ・ SmartOffice PS282 won Editor's Choice award from PC News Weekly USA.
  • ・ SmartOffice PS281 received "Recommended" rating from BLI (Buyers Lab).
  • ・ MobileOffice D600 won "Best News of the Month" award from PC Magazine Russia.
  • ・ OpticSlim 550 recognized with a "Silver award" from Hardware Magazine Singapore.
  • ・ OpticFilm 7300 won " Top Ten Picks for 2008" award from Into Tomorrow
  • ・ OpticBook 4600 won "GUT" award from Computer Tip Germany
  • ・ OpticPro A360 won "Innovation" award from Initiative Mittelstand Germany
  • ・ OpticBook 4600 is awarded with "Silver" from Hardware Hell
  • ・ OpticFilm 7500i Ai won "Editor's Choice" award from Computer Times
  • ・ OpticPro A320 honored with " Best News of the month" from PC Magazine Russia
  • ・ OpticFilm 7500i Ai won " GODT KOB" award from DigitalFoto Denmark
  • ・ OpticPro ST64+ won "Next Magazine Choice" award from Magazyn Komputerowy Polland
  • ・ Plustek's OpticFilm 7500i recognized with a Silver Award in the Photography Category from Photography Monthly UK
  • ・ OpticFilm 7300 won "GODT KOB" award from DigitalFoto Denmark
  • ・ OpticBook 3600 won "Editor's choice" award from DingBat Magazine
  • ・SmartOffice PS252 won "Very Good Rating" from PC World USA.
  • ・OpticBook 3600 won "Editor's Choice" award from DingBat Magazine USA.
  • ・OpticSlim M12 Corporate won " Editor's Choice" award from PC News Weekly USA.
  • ・SmartOffice PS286 won "Innovation" award from Initiative Mittelstand Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200 won "GODT KOB" award from DigitalFoto Denmark
  • ・OpticSlim M12 Corporate won "Editor's Choice" award from PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticSilm M12 Plus received "Sehr Gut (Very Good" rating from Notebook Organizer & Handy Germany.
  • ・P1000 received the award of "price-performance-winner" from Computer Bild Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won "Gut" award from Computer Foto Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i SE won " Kauftipp" award from ColorFoto Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won " Sehr Gut" award from PC Go Germany
  • ・OpticBook 3600 won Editor's Choice award from PC News Weekly USA.
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won " GUT" award from FotoMagazin Germany
  • ・OpticBook 3600 won " Sehr Gut" award from PC Go Germany
  • ・OpticFilm 7200 won "Best Buy" award from Practical photography UK
  • ・OpticPro UT24 has received the medal of Platynowy from PC Format Czech.
  • ・OpticFilm 7200i won "Best Buy" award from ZOOM digital photography magazine Poland
  • ・OpticFilm won "Kaiftipp" award from ColorFoto Germany
  • ・OpticSilm 2420 has received the award of "GUT" from Stiftung Warentest Germany
  • ・OpticSilm 7200 won "GUT" award from FotoMagazine Germany
  • ・OpticSilm 7200 won "Kaut Tipp-Budget" award from PC Diretk Germany
  • ・OpticSlim M12 has received Good Design Award.
  • ・OpticSlim M12 won "Sehr Gut (Very Good" rating from Notebook Organizer & Handy Germany.
  • ・ST12 is awarded with "Preis-Tipp" from Com!Online Germany
  • ・OpticSlim 1200 was named as "Best & Best Value" and awarded from Chip Magazine Polland
  • ・OpticPro 1248U and U24 won Zwyciezca Jakosc (Champion) from Komputer SWIAT Czech.
  • ・OpticWorks 2000 received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 12000T received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro A3I / A3II / A3III / 3AS Series received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・FBIII / FBIV received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 4830P received "Kaufempfehling (Recommendation to Buy)" rating from PC Direkt Germany.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P received "Silver National Award of Excellence" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 9630P won "Editor's Choice" award by PC Magazine.
  • ・OpticPro 4830P and OpticPro 9630P received "Good Product" awards from Stifung Warentest (Consumer Foundation) Germany.
  • ・OpticPro A3I series won "Best-in-class Products" award from Comdex Asia.
  • ・President of Plustek received "Taiwan Enterpreneurs" award from Youth Career Development Association Headquarters, Taiwan.
  • ・PageReader 800/800P received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・PageReader 800/800P received "Gold National Award of Excellence" from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P won Editor's Choice - Byte, Best of Computex Taipei" award.
  • ・OpticPro 4800P won "Best Buy" award from PC Shopping Germany.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won "The Best of Everything" award from Computer Life USA.
  • ・Plustek received "Excellent Honor Award" from Taiwan Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers Association.
  • ・Plustek was named as "Asia's 6 Cool Companies" by Fortune.
  • ・ScanFx received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanFx receives "Silver National Award of Excellence" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won Editor's Choice award from PC Go! Germany.
  • ・PageReader 800 / 800P won Editor's Choice award from PC Shopping Germany.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 received "Symbol of Excellence" award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanFx won "Medium And Small Business Innovation Research Award" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • ・ScanFx won "Editor's Choice - Byte, Best of Computex Taipei 1994" award.
  • ・ScanFx won "Best of Comdex Spring 1994" award.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won Editor's Choice award from l'ordinateur Individual France.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 won Empfehlung der Redaktion (Editor's Choice) from DOS Magazine Germany.
  • ・ScanPlus Color 6000 received "Taiwan SMEs Innovation Award" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.