How to work with Microsoft Azure storage (SMB)?

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Plustek offers a unique experience when working with Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure file shares allow fully manageable file sharing in the cloud, accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. To use Microsoft Azure file share with Plustek's solution, you will need the access key to authenticate the account. Plustek offers a quicker and easier way to import profiles, without manually input in to the require fields, particularly with the extensive alphanumeric combinations of the Azure access key.

To get started, user will need to create a profile with the respective Azure account information. Refer to the following steps in obtaining the necessary information (HostName, UserName, and Password):

1. Locate Azure account information

Host Name

Sign in to your Azure account, under SETTINGS > PROPERTIES> FILE SERVICE locate the URL string.
Paste the string on to the XML profile (XML sample below).

User Name and Password

Paste the respective information on to the XML profile (XML sample below).

2. Create the XML profile

Open Notepad or other XML editor applications. Utilize the "" function to copy and paste the sample below to file.
Save the file to your desire file name with XML as its extension (e.g. example.xml).

Sample profile(*.xml) for importing to network scanner    

Replace the profile with the information gather above.

HostName= File Service URL string
UserName and Password= User name and Password of the account
ShareFolder= Optional (can be modify after successful login)

3. Save the Profile to a USB Drive

  • Save the profile under the folder name 'Azure' on a USB Drive (e.g. USB:\Azure\YourProfile.xml).
  • Note: Multiple profiles can be save and import at the same time.
  • Insert to USB Drive with the above profile into the network scanner.
  • 4. Import Azure Profile to the Network Scanner

  • Tap on to import.
  • The interface will flash for a second, then tap on to select the desire profile.